EmbLogic's Blog

It may help somewhere in Toolchain..

  Older style of the initial runtime code ?  Usually not generated anymore
  with Linux toolchains, but often found in bare metal toolchains.  Serves
  same purpose as crt1.o (see below).
  Newer style of the initial runtime code.  Contains the _start symbol which
  sets up the env with argc/argv/libc _init/libc _fini before jumping to the
  libc main.  glibc calls this file 'start.S'.
  Defines the function prolog; _init in the .init section and _fini in the
  .fini section.  glibc calls this 'initfini.c'.
  Defines the function epilog.  glibc calls this 'initfini.c'.
  Used in place of crt1.o when generating PIEs.
  Used in place of crt1.o when generating code with profiling information.
  Compile with -pg.  Produces output suitable for the gprof util.
  Like gcrt1.o, but is used with the prof utility.  glibc installs this as
  a dummy file as it's useless on linux systems.

  GCC uses this to find the start of the constructors.
  Used in place of crtbegin.o when generating shared objects/PIEs.
  Used in place of crtbegin.o when generating static executables.
  GCC uses this to find the start of the destructors.
  Used in place of crtend.o when generating shared objects/PIEs.

if there is any other information.. please let me & others know.

One Response to It may help somewhere in Toolchain..

  1. pankaj.hooda says:

    after solving these errors…its gives another error as -lgcc…and i havent got any solution for that yet…

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