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Character Device Driver – Blocking IO using wait queues

How does a driver respond if it cannot immediately satisfy the request? A call to read may come when no data is available, but more is expected in the future. Or a process could attempt to write, but your device is not ready to accept the data, because your output buffer is full. The calling process usually does not care about such issues; the programmer simply expects to call read or write and have the call return after the necessary work has been done. So, in such cases, your driver should (by default) block the process, putting it to sleep until the request can proceed.

When a process is put to sleep, it is marked as being in a special state and removed from the scheduler’s run queue. Until something comes along to change that state, the process will not be scheduled on any CPU and, therefore, will not run. A sleeping process has been shunted off to the side of the system, waiting for some future event to happen.

Causing a process to sleep is an easy thing for a Linux device driver to do. There are, however, a couple of rules that you must keep in mind to be able to code sleeps in a safe manner.

The first of these rules is: never sleep when you are running in an atomic context. An atomic context is simply a state where multiple steps must be performed without any sort of concurrent access. What that means, with regard to sleeping, is that your driver cannot sleep while holding a spinlock, seqlock, or RCU lock. You also cannot sleep if you have disabled interrupts. It is legal to sleep while holding a semaphore, but you should look very carefully at any code that does so. If code sleeps while holding a semaphore, any other thread waiting for that semaphore also sleeps. So any sleeps that happen while holding semaphores should be short, and you should convince yourself that, by holding the semaphore, you are not blocking the process that will eventually wake you up.

Another thing to remember with sleeping is that, when you wake up, you never know how long your process may have been out of the CPU or what may have changed in the mean time. You also do not usually know if another process may have been sleeping for the same event; that process may wake before you and grab whatever resource you were waiting for. The end result is that you can make no assumptions about the state of the system after you wake up, and you must check to ensure that the condition you were waiting for is, indeed, true.

One other relevant point, of course, is that your process cannot sleep unless it is assured that somebody else, somewhere, will wake it up. The code doing the awakening must also be able to find your process to be able to do its job. Making sure that a wakeup happens is a matter of thinking through your code and knowing, for each sleep, exactly what series of events will bring that sleep to an end. Making it possible for your sleeping process to be found is, instead, accomplished through a data structure called a wait queue. A wait queue is just what it sounds like: a list of processes, all waiting for a specific event.

In Linux, a wait queue is managed by means of a “wait queue head,” a structure of type wait_queue_head_t, which is defined in <linux/wait.h>. A wait queue head can be defined and initialized statically with:


or dynamicly as follows:

Wait_queue_head_t my_queue;


When a process sleeps, it does so in expectation that some condition will become true in the future. As we noted before, any process that sleeps must check to be sure that the condition it was waiting for is really true when it wakes up again. The simplest way of sleeping in the Linux kernel is a macro called wait_event, it combines handling the details of sleeping with a check on the condition a process is waiting for. The forms of wait_event are:

wait_event(queue, condition)

wait_event_interruptible(queue, condition)

wait_event_timeout(queue, condition, timeout)

wait_event_interruptible_timeout(queue, condition, timeout)

In all of the above forms, queue is the wait queue head to use. Notice that it is passed “by value.” The condition is an arbitrary boolean expression that is evaluated by the macro before and after sleeping; until condition evaluates to a true value, the process continues to sleep. Note that condition may be evaluated an arbitrary number of times, so it should not have any side effects.

If you use wait_event, your process is put into an uninterruptible sleep which, as we have mentioned before, is usually not what you want. The preferred alternative is wait_event_interruptible, which can be interrupted by signals. This version returns an integer value that you should check; a nonzero value means your sleep was interrupted by some sort of signal, and your driver should probably return -ERESTARTSYS.

The final versions (wait_event_timeout and wait_event_interruptible_timeout) wait for a limited time; after that time period expires, the macros return with a value of 0 regardless of how condition evaluates.

The other half of the picture, of course, is waking up. Some other thread of execution has to perform the wakeup for you, since your process is, of course, asleep. The basic function that wakes up sleeping processes is called wake_up. It comes in several forms:

void wake_up(wait_queue_head_t *queue);

void wake_up_interruptible(wait_queue_head_t *queue);

wake_up wakes up all processes waiting on the given queue. The other form (wake_up_interruptible) restricts itself to processes performing an interruptible sleep. In general, the two are indistinguishable. in practice, the convention is to use wake_up if you are using wait_event and wake_up_interruptible if you use wait_event_interruptible.

We now know enough to look at a simple example of sleeping and waking up. In the sample source, you can find a module called sleepy. It implements a device with simple behavior: any process that attempts to read from the device is put to sleep.

Whenever a process writes to the device, all sleeping processes are awakened. This behavior is implemented with the following read and write methods:


static int flag = 0;

ssize_t sleepy_read (struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos)


printk(KERN_DEBUG “process %i (%s) going to sleep\n”,

current->pid, current->comm);

wait_event_interruptible(wq, flag != 0);

flag = 0;

printk(KERN_DEBUG “awoken %i (%s)\n”, current->pid, current->comm);

return 0; /* EOF */


ssize_t sleepy_write (struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *pos)


printk(KERN_DEBUG “process %i (%s) awakening the readers…\n”,

current->pid, current->comm);

flag = 1;


return count; /* succeed, to avoid retrial */


Note the use of the flag variable in this example. Since wait_event_interruptible checks for a condition that must become true, we use flag to create that condition.

It is interesting to consider what happens if two processes are waiting when sleepy_write is called. Since sleepy_read resets flag to 0 once it wakes up, you might think that the second process to wake up would immediately go back to sleep. On a single- rocessor system, that is almost always what happens. But it is important to understand why you cannot count on that behavior. The wake_up_interruptible call will cause both sleeping processes to wake up. It is entirely possible that they will both note that flag is nonzero before either has the opportunity to reset it. For this trivial module, this race condition is unimportant. In a real driver, this kind of race can create rare crashes that are difficult to diagnose. If correct operation required that exactly one process see the nonzero value, it would have to be tested in an atomic manner.

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