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C Programming

A C programming based Project C language is the general purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie. C language is the base of many other languages like C#, Java, Python, Perl, PHP. C has facilities like structure programming, functional programming. There are some standard made for C programming. C also allows the most precise control of input and output. There is a project name by Multiple Data Compression using iterative techniques. While working on this project i implemented all my knowledge regarding C language.

“Multiple Data Compression and Encryption using Iterative techniques”. The basic concept of this project is to compress a text file and encrypt it so that unauthorized person cannot understand it. This project compress a text file and reduce the size of the text file. While making the source code for this program I implement all the concept of C language and project management tools.

In C Programming based Project I started with basic of C programming that is how a code or source file is compiled by gcc compiler and then how it will run. After that i learn in C language is their data types, ranges of various data types, how they will access in the program, libraries used in C program, how to write a simple program in C. After the basic knowledge of C programming, I studied about the operator used in C programming. How to use control structure like conditional statements (if, if-else, nested if, switch) and then looping statement (for, while, do-while). Then I studied array that is collection of elements of same data types in contiguous memory allocation and string that is collection of character ending with a null character (”). Then I started with pointers which stores address of a variable. I implement various program which clears my concept of pointer and reference because it is most important thing in C programming. After the pointer I studied structure that is the collection of variable of different data types in contiguous memory location. By using structure I implement link list, stacks, queues and circular queues. After the structure I studied file IO that is used to open a file and perform reading writing operation through programming. In file IO, I learn both low level and high file IO. Then i started with the various sorting and searching techniques like linear and binary searching, bubble, selection, insertion, quick, heap sorting. I also perform their practical implementation. Then i started with the project management tools which i also implement during my practical implementation of C programs. There are various project management tools which I studied like make file (which is used to compile multiple targets), rcs (Revision Control System-which is used to save our work when we make some changes and helps in retrieving the previous version of source code in which I made changes), cvs(Concurrent Version System- is comes over the disadvantages of rcsand is done over internet). Also I studied the debugging tool that is gdb which helps in checking the error in the program during execution. I implement various programs and assignment related to the C Programming.

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