EmbLogic's Blog

Advantage and Drawbacks of Threads

Following are some advantages of using threads:

  1. Sometimes it is very useful to make a program appear to do two things at once. The classic example is to perform a real-time word count on a document while still editing the text. One thread can manage the user’s input and perform editing. The other, which can see the same document content, can continuously update a word count variable. The first thread (or even a third one) can use this shared variable to keep the user informed. Another example is a multithreaded database server
    where an apparent single process serves multiple clients, improving the overall data throughput by servicing some requests while blocking others, waiting for disk activity. For a database server, this apparent multitasking is quite hard to do efficiently in different processes, because the  requirements for locking and data consistency cause the different processes to be very tightly coupled. This can be done much more easily with multiple threads than with multiple processes.
  2. The performance of an application that mixes input, calculation, and output may be improved by running these as three separate threads. While the input or output thread is waiting for a connection, one of the other threads can continue with calculations. A server application pro-cessing multiple network connects may also be a natural fit for a multithreaded program.
  3. Now that multi-cored CPUs are common even in desktop and laptop machines, using multiple threads inside a process can, if the application is suitable, enable a single process to better utilize the hardware resources available.
  4. In general, switching between threads requires the operating system to do much less work than switching between processes. Thus, multiple threads are much less demanding on resources than multiple processes, and it is more practical to run programs that logically require many threads of execution on single-processor systems. That said, the design difficulties of writing a multithreaded program are significant and should not be taken lightly.

Threads also have drawbacks:

  1. Writing multithreaded programs requires very careful design. The potential for introducing subtle timing faults, or faults caused by the unintentional sharing of variables in a multithreaded program is considerable. Alan Cox (the well respected Linux guru) has commented that threads are also known as “how to shoot yourself in both feet at once.”
  2. Debugging a multithreaded program is much, much harder than debugging a single-threaded one, because the interactions between the threads are very hard to control.
  3. A program that splits a large calculation into two and runs the two parts as different threads will not necessarily run more quickly on a single processor machine, unless the calculation truly allows multiple parts to be calculated simultaneously and the machine it is executing on has multiple processor cores to support true multiprocessing.

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