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Project01-c based programming language,basically to articulate concepts regarding “C Programming”.It is basically a middle level language.Being an electronics engineer,it is one of the basic and important language as far as my career is concerned.It mainly comprises the information about the following:

1.Basics: declaration of variables,data types,arithmetic operations,operators ,

2.Control statements:(if-else statements,switch statements).

3.Loops: (for loop,do-while loop,while loop).



6.Arrays &strings.

With the help this project Pointer, is my favourite topic in “c”,as I used to scare and run away about studying it.But after having the basic knowledge of “C”and dwelling myself on the basics of “c”, but now I’m able to understand  it and tries to implement every program with pointer.This project focus on each and every basic of the c-programming.

Pointer is a variable which holds the address of another variable.


Data type*p;

“*” denotes it’s a pointer.

We can access the address the address of another variable and can manipulate the value of that variable.The base address of any string or array or any variable can be assigned to it.


Char *p;

p=”hello”;//the base address of the string is assigned to it

Besides this,I have covered about the following:

1.About  the operators(arithmetic,logical operators).

2.control statements

  • Ø If-else statements and switch case : it checks the particular expression and execute the block of statements respectively.
  • Ø The merit of it is, we can run the application in user defined mode.
  • Ø In switch case ,particularly provides the number of case and if the user or programmer values match with its case,then it executes its respective case.


  • Ø For loop : it basically used,when we know how many times a particular block of statements have to execute.

Syntax:  for(initialization;condition;updation);

  • Ø While loop: its known as the entry-controlled loop,means condition must be true to execute the block of statements.

Syntax:  while(condition)

  • Ø Do-while loop: it’s a exit controlled loop.That is it execute the block of statements for the 1st time irrespective of the condition.

4. File IO: file input output. It is of two types: low level and high level.

  • Ø Low level is ued at Application level.

5. Array: it’s a collection of elements of same data type which has continous memory location.

6.link-list: it’s a linear data structure.

7. Searching and sorting:

  • Ø Linear search: it is more complex ,as number of comparison is more.
  • Ø Binary search: it has less number of comparison.

7.MDC: Multiple data compression,which is the main objective of this project. In this storage space for the data is being compressed.

  • Ø It basically eliminate repeated characters and make the array of unique characters.
  • Ø By which we have the code length,which denotes the number of bits for a character to be stored in the memory.

Hence,by this project ,we will be able to compress the data.




































































































Project01-c based programming language,basically to articulate concepts regarding “C Programming”.It is basically a middle level language.Being an electronics engineer,it is one of the basic and important language as far as my career is concerned.It mainly comprises the information about the following:

1.Basics: declaration of variables,data types,arithmetic operations,operators ,

2.Control statements:(if-else statements,switch statements).

3.Loops: (for loop,do-while loop,while loop).



6.Arrays &strings.

With the help this project Pointer, is my favourite topic in “c”,as I used to scare and run away about studying it.But after having the basic knowledge of “C”and dwelling myself on the basics of “c”, but now I’m able to understand  it and tries to implement every program with pointer.This project focus on each and every basic of the c-programming.

Pointer is a variable which holds the address of another variable.


Data type*p;

“*” denotes it’s a pointer.

We can access the address the address of another variable and can manipulate the value of that variable.The base address of any string or array or any variable can be assigned to it.


Char *p;

p=”hello”;//the base address of the string is assigned to it

Besides this,I have covered about the following:

1.About  the operators(arithmetic,logical operators).

2.control statements

  • Ø If-else statements and switch case : it checks the particular expression and execute the block of statements respectively.
  • Ø The merit of it is, we can run the application in user defined mode.
  • Ø In switch case ,particularly provides the number of case and if the user or programmer values match with its case,then it executes its respective case.


  • Ø For loop : it basically used,when we know how many times a particular block of statements have to execute.

Syntax:  for(initialization;condition;updation);

  • Ø While loop: its known as the entry-controlled loop,means condition must be true to execute the block of statements.

Syntax:  while(condition)

  • Ø Do-while loop: it’s a exit controlled loop.That is it execute the block of statements for the 1st time irrespective of the condition.

4. File IO: file input output. It is of two types: low level and high level.

  • Ø Low level is ued at Application level.

5. Array: it’s a collection of elements of same data type which has continous memory location.

6.link-list: it’s a linear data structure.

7. Searching and sorting:

  • Ø Linear search: it is more complex ,as number of comparison is more.
  • Ø Binary search: it has less number of comparison.

7.MDC: Multiple data compression,which is the main objective of this project. In this storage space for the data is being compressed.

  • Ø It basically eliminate repeated characters and make the array of unique characters.
  • Ø By which we have the code length,which denotes the number of bits for a character to be stored in the memory.

Hence,by this project ,we will be able to compress the data.





































































































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