EmbLogic's Blog

Character Driver ( Registration, Open, Write, Cleanup) along with proc

Character driver completed and successfully tested with registration, open, write and cleanup modules and debugged using proc file system.
The logfiles are as under :
RCS file: initialization.c,v
3 Working file: initialization.c
4 head: 1.5
5 branch:
6 locks: strict
7 root: 1.5
8 access list:
9 symbolic names:
10 keyword substitution: kv
11 total revisions: 5; selected revisions: 5
12 description:
13 Character driver initialization file.
14 —————————-
15 revision 1.5 locked by: root;
16 date: 2014/10/11 18:32:59; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +14 -0
17 Nothin new
18 —————————-
19 revision 1.4
20 date: 2014/10/09 19:47:30; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +0 -14
21 *** empty log message ***
22 —————————-
23 revision 1.3
24 date: 2014/10/09 17:24:36; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +7 -3
25 Successfully written the current time into the proc file.

RCS file: dev_open.c,v
3 Working file: dev_open.c
4 head: 1.1
5 branch:
6 locks: strict
7 root: 1.1
8 access list:
9 symbolic names:
10 keyword substitution: kv
11 total revisions: 1; selected revisions: 1
12 description:
13 Implements the underline mechanism of what happens when a file is opened by user space process
14 —————————-
15 revision 1.1 locked by: root;
16 date: 2014/10/09 18:39:19; author: root; state: Exp;
17 Initial revision
18 ===================================================

CS file: dev_write.c,v
3 Working file: dev_write.c
4 head: 1.6
5 branch:
6 locks: strict
7 root: 1.6
8 access list:
9 symbolic names:
10 keyword substitution: kv
11 total revisions: 6; selected revisions: 6
12 description:
13 dev_write implementation for character driver.
14 Implements the routine needed to write in driver space using an application.
15 —————————-
16 revision 1.6 locked by: root;
17 date: 2014/10/11 18:48:38; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6
18 added comments
19 —————————-
20 revision 1.5
21 date: 2014/10/11 18:41:19; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +2 -5
22 Added some debugging messages.
23 —————————-
24 revision 1.4
25 date: 2014/10/11 18:33:21; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +87 -12
26 Successfully implemented the copy_to_user routine.
27 The user application successfully writes the data inside sculldev.
28 correctly returning the amount of data written.
29 —————————-
30 revision 1.3
31 date: 2014/10/09 19:47:57; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +62 -1
32 Successfully created the required number of quantums and qsets.

RCS file: cleanup.c,v
3 Working file: cleanup.c
4 head: 1.3
5 branch:
6 locks: strict
7 root: 1.3
8 access list:
9 symbolic names:
10 keyword substitution: kv
11 total revisions: 3; selected revisions: 3
12 description:
13 Char driver cleanup file..
14 —————————-
15 revision 1.3 locked by: root;
16 date: 2014/10/11 18:33:10; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1
17 Removed the proc_remove code.
18 —————————-
19 revision 1.2
20 date: 2014/10/09 17:19:43; author: root; state: Exp; lines: +10 -1
21 added code to remove proc entry and unregister driver.
22 Upto this, driver registration, proc file, and unregister work fine.
23 —————————-

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