Innovation... driven by intelligence and logic

Project.015: Python using Eclipse on Linux


"Python - An interpreted, interactive, OOPs and Scripting Language" is an intensive, Hands-on, project based, training program for BE, B Tech, ME, M Tech from the streams of Electronics, Computer Science, Information Technologies, Instrumentation, BCA, MCA. This training aims at imparting, ingraining efficient programming and scripting skills useful for automating tasks and ability to convert logic to programs.

Silent Features of The Training Program

Training Objective

→ This course is designed to ensure that students of Engineering College with academic capabilities will have the skill set needed to deal with the challenges involved in real-world programming and scripting issues to meet the needs of industry both today and in the future.
→ The course considers programming/scripting techniques which can help to ensure that interpreted and platform independent language is relevant and can be used with single-processor embedded systems as well.

Participants will

→ Understand Python's syntax and programming environment.
→ Learn to work with Python’s built-in data structures and functions.
→ Develop the ability to write reusable and efficient Python code.
→ Gain skills in handling files, exceptions, and libraries.
→ Apply Python to real-world tasks like web scraping, data analysis, and automation.
→ The course is taught mainly using the Linux Operating system and vim editor.

Target Audience

→ Aspiring programmers and engineers with little to no prior programming experience.
→ Students in engineering and technology fields seeking to acquire coding skills.
→ Professionals from non-technical backgrounds aiming to transition into tech roles.


→ Good IQ and Aptitude is required. Ability to use computer systems, general understanding about operating system concepts are assumed.

Training Content/Topics

Module 1: Introduction to Python

Overview of Python: History, applications, and environment setup.
Basic syntax and execution flow: Writing and running scripts.

Module 2: Variables and Data Types

Understanding Python data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans.
Variable assignments and type conversion.

Module 3: Control Structures

Conditional statements: if, elif, and else.
Loops: for and while loops, controlling loop execution with break and continue.

Module 4: Data Structures

Lists and list comprehensions.
Tuples, sets, and dictionaries: Operations and methods.

Module 5: Functions and Modules

Defining functions, parameters, and return values.
Importing modules, exploring Python’s standard library.

Module 6: Exception Handling and File Operations

Basics of error handling with try, except, finally blocks.
Reading from and writing to files: Text files, CSV, and other formats.

Module 7: Object-Oriented Programming

Classes, objects, attributes, and methods.
Understanding class inheritance and method overloading.

Module 8: Practical Python Applications

Web scraping with Beautiful Soup.
Introduction to data analysis with pandas.
Automating routine tasks with Python scripts.

Module 9: Advanced Python Concepts

Introduction to more complex libraries: NumPy for numerical data, Matplotlib for plotting.
Basic use of databases with Python: Connecting and querying with SQLite.

Module 10: EmbLogic Project

Applying learned skills to a comprehensive project.
Project topics can range from web applications, data analysis projects, or automation scripts.

Additional System Programming Modules

Module 11: Python and the Operating System

Interacting with the Operating System: Learn how to use Python to interact directly with the operating system via the os and sys modules. Topics include navigating the file system, managing files and directories, and reading system parameters.
Executing Shell Commands: Use Python’s subprocess module to run external commands, capture their output, and control their execution environment. This will cover running shell commands, as well as more complex interactions with running processes.

Module 12: Advanced File Handling and Memory Mapping

Advanced File Operations: Deep dive into Python's file handling capabilities including opening files in different modes (binary, text, append), working with file pointers, and manipulating file contents with high efficiency.
Memory-Mapped Files: Introduction to memory mapping files with Python’s mmap module, which allows files or devices to be read and written by mapping them into memory. This is particularly useful for accessing large files without the overhead of Python’s native file reading and writing methods.

Module 13: Network Programming with Python

Socket Programming: Fundamentals of network communications using Python’s socket module. Participants will learn how to create TCP and UDP sockets, connect to servers, handle client-server data exchanges, and manage socket states.
Building a Simple Server and Client: Implement a simple TCP/IP server and client in Python. The server will accept connections from clients and exchange messages. This practical application consolidates the understanding of network protocols, socket programming, and client-server architecture.

Course Wrap-Up

→ Review key concepts covered in the course.
→ Discuss how to continue learning and growing in Python programming.
→ Present and critique capstone projects, with feedback from instructors and peers.

Course Delivery

→ Online: Utilizing a Learning Management System (LMS) for wider reach, interactive webinars, and downloadable resources.
→ In-person: Conducted in a classroom setting, enabling direct interaction and immediate feedback during hands-on labs.
→ Hybrid: A combination of online theory sessions and in-person or virtual labs for practical experience.


The Duration of Training would be

→ The Duration of training would be 6 weeks.
→ There would be 20 Classroom Sessions of 1 hours each
→ There would be 20 Lab of 5 hours each

Training Methodology

→ Hands on approach to training, behaviorial model of training would be practiced.
→ Lectures: Engaging presentations to introduce and explain programming concepts.
→ Hands-On Labs: Practical coding exercises during each session to reinforce learning.
→ Reading Assignments: Curated articles and chapters to deepen understanding.
→ Videos: Instructional videos to demonstrate coding techniques and explain complex topics.


After the training is over, the Trainee should be able to

Use the concept absorbed in the real world situation.
Implement knowledge absorbed in their commercial / live projects.
→ Write efficient and effective Python programs for a variety of tasks.
→ Understand and implement object-oriented programming in Python.
→ Use Python for real-world applications such as web scraping, data analysis, and automating daily tasks.
→ Complete a project that showcases their ability to solve a practical problem with Python programming.
→ The probablity for a head-start to the taiinees career should be higher.

Letter of Completion / Certificate

→ EmbLogic would issue The Certificate of Completion for the training as mentioned above.

About Python click here...

Training and Project Resources  click here...

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