Breaking a big mesage into smaller units aids in error detection and compensation as these packets are assembled at the destination all at once, whereas in the case of a complete message at once, the message may not be delivered exact as the way it was sent on host. One more reason for it can be the length of transmission line, according to which the size of packet is created. The smaller the packet, the easier the transmission.
Dividing a large message into smaller units is beneficial for error detection and compensation because these packets are reassembled at the destination collectively. In contrast, when transmitting an entire message at once, there is a risk that the message may not be delivered exactly as it was sent from the host. Additionally, adjusting the packet size based on the length of the transmission line is another factor, with smaller packets facilitating smoother transmission.
If will send whole big message, it may lead to loss of message or error in message then will have to send whole message again which will be time consuming.Breaking message into small chunks or message help to detect error in packet easier with the help of counting the no of ones, checksum etc. Also if any packet is having error in message, it can be send again by host instead of sending again the whole message. In the destination host all packets will be resembled in the same order as host is having.
It also helps to send message using more than one transmission line for faster transmission.
Breaking messages into smaller units provide aid in error detection and compensation during transmission because sending a large chunk of message all at once may not be delivered as we want or single transmission line might not to be able to handled such large chunk of message all at once.