EmbLogic's Blog

Interprocess communication (IPC)

IPC allows to coordinate among the different processes that are running in an operating system simultaneously. There are various IPC techniques viz. PIPE, FIFO, Shared memory, Message Queue,Threads etc.

Difference between two IPC techniques i.e, Pipe and FIFO

1) Pipe uses the internal data structure for communication between processes(it does not exists physically). But FIFO is physically present in our directory.
2) Pipe can be accessed through file descriptor which it returns while using pipe system call,But FIFO having name so, we can access and load it in to memory using its file name.
3) Pipe can be accessed to the related process only(parent -child process). But FIFO can access unrelated processes too.
4) While reading the pipe, its writing end should be closed and reverse also bears the same but in case of FIFO as many process can access the same file at a time.
5) Pipe is transient in nature i.e, it exists till the process is running but FIFO exists until one deletes it from the file system.
6) As FIFO is a file so any time we can change the file properties but it is not same as in case of pipe.

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