EmbLogic's Blog

Can i initialize an union members like structure???if yes then why i am getting so much warning in the following programm????


union logic

int i;
char x[2];
//char y;

int main()


One Response to Can i initialize an union members like structure???if yes then why i am getting so much warning in the following programm????

  1. hemant.kumar says:

    Union is like a chunk of memory that is used to store variables of different types. Once a new value is assigned to a field, the existing data is wiped over with the new data.
    as far as i know you have to initialize each value separately

    union logic
    int i;
    int x;
    char j[12];

    int main()
    // emb.x=12;
    printf(“value is %d \n”,*(&(emb.i)));
    printf(“address of i is %p and x is %p \n”,&(emb.i),&(emb.x));
    printf(“value is %d \n”,*(&(emb.x)));

    strcpy(emb.j,”hello world”);
    printf(“address is %p \n”,&(emb.j));
    return 0;
    but ask SIR about this concept

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